Dr. Alon Ron

School of Physics and Astronomy
ביה"ס לפיזיקה ואסטרונומיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. Alon Ron
Office: Shenkar Physics, 406


I am interested in controlling electronic states of matter in quantum materials and studying their dynamics on ultrafast (femtosecond) timescales. This is achieved in my lab using two approaches: material by design crystal growth and by tailoring light matter interactions to stabilize out of equilibrium electronic states.

In my lab we employ novel optical techniques in order to study quantum materials, while the main focus of the lab is using nonlinear optics in order to reveal the symmetry properties of electronic states we are also developing ultrafast electronic transport techniques and more traditional spectroscopy techniques.


  • B.Sc in Physics, Tel Aviv University, 2011

  • B.Sc in Electronic engineering, Tel Aviv University, 2011

  • Ph.D. in Physics, Tel Aviv University, 2017

Academic Appointments

  • Senior lecturer, Condensed matter department, Tel Aviv University, 2020

Awards and Prizes

  • Tel Aviv University nano center - Center for Nanoscience and Nano technology excellence fellowship for Ph.D. students, 2011-2016

  • Tel Aviv University – Yuval Neeman prize for excellence in research, 2014

  • Binational Science Foundation(BSF) – Prof. Rami Rahamimoff grant for Ph.D. students, 2015

  • California institute of technology - Troesh Prize postdoctoral fellowship for experimental physics and astrophysics, 2016-2019

  • Zuckerman foundation – Zuckerman STEM leadership program, Faculty scholar, 2020-today